Metal Detectors
Metal Detectors CoSynus
CoSYNUS is a member of the SYNUS® checkweigher family and combines the electronics of a metal detector with checkweighing technology. Operation of the metal detector is fully integrated in the familiar user interface of the field-tested SYNUS® checkweigher.
Customers who already have a SYNUS checkweigher can upgrade to the CoSYNUS easily and economically.
The CoSYNUS breaks new ground in production versatility, with adjustable conveyor height and bidirectional belts.
- Weighing systems: 1.0 kg, 2.0 kg, 5.0 kg or 7.0 kg
- Display scale divisions 0.1 g to 1g
- Max. throughput 200pcs/min
- 3 display and control units: 6.4″ TFT, 10.4″ TFT or 15″ TFT with touch screen
- Aperture width of the coils for metal detection: 225, 275 or 375 mm
- Aperture height of the coil for metal detection: working height 110 max.
- For process speeds of up to 1.5 m/s
- MID approved for up to 3 m/s